Rank-Up Coaching - Terms & Conditions

Rank Up Coaching Service:

In this service we offer unlimited coaching until the rank goal is achieved. Of course students need to take the program seriously by applying effort and not beginning with boosted accounts. Please review below to ensure you are willing to commit to the program and understand the scenarios in which you are eligible for a full refund on the service!

Terms of service
- Need to be willing to play a minimum of 10 ranked games a week.
- Must complete potential homework from coach to the best or your ability.
- Must keep regular contact with your coach and update them on your progress.
- If you go on vacation for a week. For the games you don’t play, you have to play those games before you are eligible to get coached again.
- Longer than 4 week break will be disqualified.

Money back situations:
- If the student follows all the rules and requirements and the coach thinks it’s an impossible task, you can get your money back.
- After one session if you don’t like your coach we can transfer coaches or give a refund.
- If head coach looks over the student and their answers to the intake and decides that this student can not be helped then we will issue a refund before a coach is assigned.
In cases of "boosted students" head coach can talk to them and offer an alternative plan, or refund.

Any Questions?

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